Satilla Health Partners, Inc., was founded in 2017 in conjunction with the purchase of Mayo Clinic Health System in Waycross by the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). The day-to-day operations of Satilla Health are overseen by a board of directors comprised of local individuals operating under specific corporate policies as well as the master grant agreement between Okefenokee Health, Inc., and Satilla Health Partners.
Satilla Health Partners is an approved 501(c)(4) corporation under the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. Its purpose is to manage and safe keep the funds received by Okefenokee Health, Inc., from the sale of the hospital to HCA on May 1, 2017, and the subsequent sale of Satilla Care Nursing Home and Pierce County Nursing Home on September 2, 2017; to be prepared to provide funding in support of Okefenokee Health’s right-of-first-refusal to repurchase the hospital should that need arise through April 30, 2027; and, in perpetuity, to financially support local healthcare needs in Ware, Pierce, and Brantley Counties, as well as potentially in adjacent counties.
Support of healthcare needs will be provided by financial grants made by Satilla Health to 501(c)(3) or similar organizations. The master grant agreement between Okefenokee Health and Satilla Health defines the conditions under which grants can be made, especially through April 30, 2027. For this reason, funding for grants may not be available every year.
Satilla will announce the availability of funds and the process for applying for grants on its web site.